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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Weather ~ Picture of the Day ~ Wild Turkeys ~ Buttermilk Chicken Nuggets ~ Steve and Barbara Voors ~ National Cranberry Relish Day


Good 33º morning. 
Yesterday at 32º we had an interesting sunrise........

And the barn roof was frozen.....
We had a clear blue sky.............

Later we had fluffy light clouds and lots of contrails. We topped at 69º.
Picture of the Day...a UK farmer and his 5000 ducks!😮

Interesting about wild turkeys..........

              ^these in my yard

The Wild Turkey might be the most recognizable bird in North America. Of course, a big reason for that is due to its strong association with Thanksgiving, when the birds likeness is omnipresent. But the turkey's large size, impressive plumage, and distinct look make this bird hard to mistake no matter the time of year. Despite so many Americans being familiar with the Wild Turkey, however, folks might be surprised to discover that they know very little about them—and what they think they do know might not be true. Read on for a cornucopia of fun facts about everyone's favorite gobbler.

1.) Turkeys are believed to be named after the country. Linguists theorize that early Europeans were reminded of their African Guinea Fowl back home, which was native to Turkey, and the similarity led to its name. 

2.) There are only two species of Wild Turkey: Ours here in North America and the Ocellated Turkey in Central America. The North American Wild Turkey has five distinct subspecies and also comes in a variety of color morphs. 

3.) Male turkeys can weigh up to 25 pounds, while the average female is around half that weight. Despite this heft and their reputation for being ground dwellers, Wild Turkeys often roost overnight in trees to avoid predators. 

4.)  While they might not look like the fastest birds, Wild Turkeys are surprisingly confident fliers, capable of hitting 60 miles per hour. They are also more agile than they appear. 

5.) Turkeys have excellent eyesight, seeing three times more clearly than 20/20 vision. They can also see in color and have a 270-degree field of vision.  This—along with their generally wary nature—gives them an edge on both predators and hunters. 

6.) Did you know you can discern a turkey’s sex from its droppings? It's true. Male scat is shaped like the letter J, while a female’s droppings are more spiral-shaped. And the bigger the poop, the older the bird. 

7.) Wild Turkey populations plummeted in the 19th century due to over hunting and a loss of habitat, with the species disappearing entirely from New England. Fortunately, Wild Turkey conservation efforts throughout the 20th century led to a sharp rebound throughout their historic range, and now the birds have taken over the Northeast and even some Midwest towns

8.)  Along with their waddles and snoods—the piece of flesh that dangles from the beak—turkeys have another standout feature: beards. The bundle of feathers sprouting from their chest is known as a turkey beard, and it gets longer as the bird ages. While all males have beards, some females also grow them, though why is still a mystery to scientists. 

9.) To debunk a popular turkey tale, Benjamin Franklin did not advocate for the turkey as the National Bird. He also didn't besmirch the Bald Eagle, either. In fact, the letter to his daughter that is often cited as the source of both these "facts" was actually satire. 

10.) The first official presidential turkey pardon was given by George H.W. Bush in 1989, but reports credit many presidents with the tradition,  including Abraham Lincoln, whose son took a liking to the turkey destined for Christmas dinner, and Harry Truman, who was the first to appear in a photo op with a turkey that would later be served.
Here are some more wild turkeys in my front yard...........

From Mr. Food

Why pay for packaged or fast-food chicken nuggets when you can enjoy restaurant-quality versions of the dish right at home? Buttermilk Chicken Nuggets are fast and easy.
  • 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-1/2-inch pieces
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup Italian-flavored bread crumbs
  • 1 (1-ounce) package dry ranch dressing mix
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper, optional
  • 1 egg
  • Cooking spray


  1. Preheat oven to 425º.
  2. In a large bowl, combine chicken and buttermilk; mix well.
  3. In a resealable plastic storage bag, combine bread crumbs, dressing mix, and ground red pepper, if desired; seal bag and shake to mix well.
  4. In a shallow dish, beat egg well. Drain chicken and add to egg, turning to coat. Place chicken in storage bag; seal bag and shake to coat chicken.
  5. Place breaded chicken on a rimmed baking sheet and coat lightly with cooking spray. Bake 15 minutes, or until no pink remains and juices run clear.
Special anniversary today, Steve (LASD ret) and Barbara Voors are celebrating their 50th. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KIDS!! xo
Historically this date..........
1869 – In DumbartonScotland, the clipper Cutty Sark is launched – one of the last clippers ever built, and the only one still surviving today.

1935 – The China Clipper, the first transpacific mail and passenger service, takes off from Alameda, California for its first commercial flight. It reaches its destination, Manila, a week later.

1963 – In Dallas, Texas, US President John F. Kennedy is assassinated and Texas Governor John B. Connally is seriously wounded. Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald is later captured and charged with the murder of both the President and police officer J. D. Tippit. Oswald is shot two days later by Jack Ruby while in police custody.

1995 – Toy Story is released as the first feature-length film created completely using computer-generated imagery.

And births this date include....
1899 – Hoagy Carmichael, American composer (d. 1981)

1921 – Rodney Dangerfield, American comedian (d. 2004)

1924 – Geraldine Page, American actress (d. 1987)

1932 – Robert Vaughn, American actor (d.2016)

1943 – Billie Jean King, American tennis player

1958 – Jamie Lee Curtis, American actress

1961 – Mariel Hemingway, American actress
All I know. Nuff said. Have a good Wednesday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo

Another seasonal holiday staple graces the table each year and National Cranberry Relish Day makes sure you’re prepared. On November 22nd make sure you’re stocked and ready. Get tasting the many recipes out there and pick your favorite one!
Believed to have originated in the New England States during the early 1900s, cranberry relish is a traditional part of many families’ Thanksgiving dinner.
Numerous cranberry relish recipes grace cookbooks and blogs across the internet. The bright and sweet flavors are enhanced by ingredients like apples, oranges, and pineapple. Make them spicy or nutty, too. You can even offer more than one style and use the leftovers for great sandwiches. But there’s more than one way to slice this cranberry.
  • Use it as a marinade for pork, chicken or beef
  • Add it to barbecue sauce and pour it over meatballs
  • Mix it into a batch of muffins for breakfast
  • Stir it into cream cheese and add it to your morning bagel

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Happy day before Thanksgiving!

Cranberry sauce also makes a delicious topping for cheesecake :)-

When we are tempted to think America is tarnished now, we should remember back to the era of assassinations and bombings in this country during the 1960s and 1970s. We rose again then. With God‘s help, we can rise again now.

God bless.