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Sunday, October 6, 2019

Weather ~ Picture of the Day ~ Ace of Spades ~ Rise 'n' Shine Omelet Cups ~ Bill Riordan ~ Cydney Polley ~ National Coaches Day

Good 35º super foggy with thick ice on the barn roof. 

Yesterday the fog lifted and the sun came out and no clouds! We topped at 76º.

Picture of the Day....


The ace of spades (also known as the spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards in English-speaking countries. The actual value of the card varies from game to game.
The ace of spades has been employed, on numerous occasions, in the theater of war. In the Second World War, the soldiers of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the American 101st Airborne Division were marked with the spades symbol painted on the sides of their helmet. In this capacity, it was used to represent good luck, due to its fortunate connotations in card playing. All four card suits were used for easy identification of regiments within the airborne division following the confusion of a large scale combat airborne operation. Battalions within the regiments were denoted with tick marks or dots, marked from top clockwise: headquarters at the twelve o'clock position, 1st Battalion at the three o'clock, etc.
Some twenty years later, a folk legend about the ace of spades being used by American Soldiers during the Vietnam War was popularized. Supposedly, US troops believed that Vietnamese traditions held the symbolism of the spade to mean death and ill-fortune and in a bid to frighten and demoralize Viet Cong soldiers, it was common practice to mockingly leave an ace of spades on the bodies of killed Vietnamese and even to litter the forested grounds and fields with the card.

From Mr. Food
This "no skillet required" easy personal portion version is a super way to make everyone's eggs all at once. Our mini Rise 'n' Shine Omelet Cups are sure to be a tasty hit, and the cook will love the all-in-one convenience.

  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 cup chopped cooked ham  (or use bacon bits) 
  • 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup sliced scallions
  1. Preheat oven to 350º. Coat 6 muffin cups with cooking spray.
  2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients; mix well then spoon into prepared muffin cups.
  3. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until eggs are set. Serve immediately.

Special birthday today, Bill Riordan (LASD ret) is celebrating. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL!! xo

Also celebrating is Cydney Polley, wife of the infamous Terry "da Pully" Polley. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYDNEY!!

Historically this date.........
1876 – The American Library Association was founded.

1884 – The Naval War College of the United States Navy is founded in Newport, Rhode Island.

1889 – Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture.

1979 – Pope John Paul II becomes the first pontiff to visit the White House.

1981 – Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat was assassinated.

And births this date include....
1846 – George Westinghouse, American engineer and inventor (d. 1914)

1908 – Carole Lombard, American actress (d. 1942)
Married to Clark Gable for 4 years until her death in a plane crash.

1955 – Tony Dungy, American football coach

All I know. Nuff said. Happy Sunday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo

On October 6th, National Coaches Day honors the men and women who inspire us to work harder and do our best.
Across the country in every community, a coach organizes teams, plans practices and training, motivates players to strive to be the best they can be. At the same time, coaches pinpoint areas for improvement and supply guidance. Every sport or competition requires a leader. More importantly, a leader who knows the game and how to drive athletes to work together as a team.
Many coaches maintain a schedule for training, conditioning, and preparing athletes not only for competition but for their best health. Injuries sideline athletes and upset team dynamics. Although a coaches final goal is winning, they do so through a wealth of knowledge. Coaches work to build teams that bond well. They develop work ethics and set standards for their athletes that many carry with them throughout their lifetime.
For many athletes, coaches teach them to focus and how to reach a goal – which sometimes is not about winning. Sometimes the achievement is an improvement, playing by the rules or learning respect for others, themselves, or the game.
Coaches represent leadership, mentors, and inspiration. Often, a coach’s words will echo through an athlete’s mind for years to come, motivating them forward and through difficult times. Rarely do these coaches even know the impact they’ve had on an athlete until many decades pass.
Inspirational Coaches
John Madden – Coach of the Oakland Raiders, he led his team for ten seasons and a Super Bowl victory in 1977.
Kathryn Smith – As the first full-time female coach for the NFL, she inspires by sheer achievement. However, her background offers a unique perspective coaches and players both benefit from.
Herb Brooks – The NHL hockey coach who led the United States a win against the dominating Soviet Union in what became known as the Miracle on Ice.
Tony La Russa – With three world Series titles and a long list of wins, the manager for the Athletics and St. Louis Cardinals dominated the AL and NL during his career.
Cheryl Miller – The one-time basketball coach for Cal State LA, she led her team to two NCAA tournaments. She now reports to TNT as a sports broadcaster.


Organize a celebration for your coach. Bring the team together and let your coach know how much you appreciate all they do. Invite former coaches to be honored at schools and organizations.


In 1972, President Richard Nixon issued proclamation 4157 naming October 6th as National Coaches Day. He encouraged activities and ceremonies honoring coaches for the friends and counselors they become.