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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Weather ~ Picture of the Day ~ Charles Goodyear ~ Easy Cheeseburger Ring ~Loren Otto ~ Patty (Hickey) McNaughton ~ Karen Baertschiger ~ National Wildlife Day


Good 50º dark morning.
Yesterday we started at 48º and topped at 97º.
Picture of the Day.....funny building😊

Interesting about Charles Goodyear........


Charles Goodyear (December 29, 1800 – July 1, 1860) was an American self-taught chemist and manufacturing engineer who developed vulcanized rubber, for which he received patent number 3633 from the United States Patent Office on June 15, 1844.

Goodyear is credited with inventing the chemical process to create and manufacture pliable, waterproof, moldable rubber.

Goodyear's discovery of the vulcanization process followed five years of searching for a more stable rubber and stumbling upon the effectiveness of heating after Thomas Hancock. His discovery initiated decades of successful rubber manufacturing in the Lower Naugatuck Valley in Connecticut, as rubber was adopted to multiple applications, including footwear and tires. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is named after (though not founded by) him.

Early life

Charles Goodyear was born on December 29, 1800, in New Haven, Connecticut, the son of Amasa Goodyear, and the oldest of six children. His father was a descendant of Stephen Goodyear, successor to Governor Eaton as the head of the company London Merchants, who founded the colony of New Haven in 1638.

Around 1817, Charles left his home and went to Philadelphia to learn the hardware business. He worked industriously until he was twenty-five years old, and then, returning to Connecticut, entered into a partnership in his father's business in Naugatuck, CT where they manufactured not only ivory and metal buttons, but also a variety of agricultural supplements. He had siblings Nelson Goodyear, Henry Goodyear, Robert Goodyear, Harriet Goodyear Tomlinson, Amasa Goodyear, Jr.

 Marriage and early career

On August 3, 1824, he married Clarissa Beecher, whom he met at his Congregational Church. Two years later the family moved to Philadelphia, and there Charles Goodyear opened a hardware store. This is where he did most of his work. His specialties were the valuable agricultural implements that his firm had been manufacturing, and after the first distrust of domestically made goods had worn away—for all agricultural implements were imported from England at that time—he found himself heading a successful business.

This continued to increase until it seemed that he was to be a wealthy man. Between 1829 and 1830 he broke down in health, being troubled with dyspepsia. At the same time, the failure of a number of business endeavors seriously embarrassed his firm. They struggled on, however, for some time, but were finally obliged to fail.

Between the years 1831 and 1832, Goodyear heard about gum elastic (natural rubber) and examined every article that appeared in the newspapers relative to this new material. The Roxbury Rubber Company, of Boston, had been for some time experimenting with the gum, and believed it had found means for manufacturing goods from it. It had a large plant and was sending its goods all over the country. It was some of Roxbury's goods that first attracted Goodyear's attention. Soon after this, Goodyear visited New York, and his attention went to life preservers, and it struck him that the tube used for inflation was not very effective nor well-made. Therefore, upon returning to Philadelphia, he made tubes and brought them back to New York and showed them to the manager of the Roxbury Rubber Company.

The manager was pleased with the ingenuity that Goodyear had shown in manufacturing the tubes. He confessed to Goodyear that the business was on the verge of ruin and that his products had to be tested for a year before it could be determined if they were perfect or not. To their surprise, goods that they had determined to be of good quality were being returned, the gum having rotted, making them useless. Goodyear at once made up his mind to experiment on this gum and see if he could overcome the problems with these rubber products.

However, when he returned to Philadelphia, a creditor had him arrested and imprisoned. While there, he tried his first experiments with India rubber. The gum was inexpensive then, and by heating it and working it in his hands, he managed to incorporate in it a certain amount of magnesia which produced a white compound that appeared to take away the stickiness.

He thought he had discovered the secret, and through the kindness of friends was able to improve his invention in New Haven. The first thing that he made was shoes, and he used his own house for grinding, calendering and vulcanizing, with the help of his wife and children. His compound at this time consisted of India rubber, lampblack, and magnesia, the whole dissolved in turpentine and spread upon the flannel cloth which served as the lining for the shoes. It was not long, however, before he discovered that the gum, even treated this way, became sticky. His creditors, completely discouraged, decided that he would not be allowed to go further in his research.

Goodyear, however, had no mind to stop here in his experiments. Selling his furniture and placing his family in a quiet boarding place, he went to New York and, helped by a friendly druggist, continued his experiments in an attic. His next step was to compound the rubber with magnesia and then boil it in quicklime and water. This appeared to solve the problem. At once it was noticed abroad that he had treated India Rubber to lose its stickiness, and he received international acclamation. He seemed on the high road to success, until, one day, he noticed that a drop of weak acid, falling on the cloth, neutralized the alkali and immediately caused the rubber to become soft again. This proved to him that his process was not a successful one. He therefore continued experimenting, and after preparing his mixtures in his attic in New York, would walk three miles to a mill in Greenwich Village to try various experiments.

In the line of these, he discovered that rubber dipped in nitric acid formed a surface cure, and he made many products with this acid cure which were held in high regard, and he even received a letter of commendation from Andrew Jackson.

Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as nitric acid and lead oxide, adversely affected his health. Once, he nearly suffocated himself by gas generated in his laboratory. Goodyear survived, but the resulting fever came close to taking his life.

Together with an old business partner, he built up a factory and began to make clothing, life preservers, rubber shoes, and a great variety of rubber goods. They also had a large factory with special machinery, built at Staten Island, where he moved his family and again had a home of his own. Just about this time, when everything looked bright, the panic of 1837 came and swept away the entire fortune of his associate and left Goodyear penniless.

His next move was to go to Boston, where he became acquainted with J. Haskins, of the Roxbury Rubber Company. Goodyear found him to be a good friend, who lent him money and stood by him when no one would have anything to do with the visionary inventor. A man named Mr. Chaffee was also exceedingly kind and ever ready to lend a listening ear to his plans, and to also assist him in a pecuniary way. About this time it occurred to Mr. Chaffee that much of the trouble that they had experienced in working India Rubber might come from the solvent that was used. He therefore invented a huge machine for doing the mixing by mechanical means. The goods that were made in this way were beautiful to look at, and it appeared, as it had before, that all difficulties were overcome.

Goodyear discovered a new method for making rubber shoes and received a patent which he sold to the Providence Company in Rhode Island. However, a method had not yet been found to process rubber so that it would withstand hot and cold temperatures and acids, and so the rubber goods were constantly growing sticky, decomposing and being returned to the manufacturers.

 Death and legacy

Goodyear died on July 1, 1860, while traveling to see his dying daughter. After arriving in New York, he was informed that she had already died. He collapsed and was taken to the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York City, where he died at the age of 59.

In 1898, almost four decades after his death, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company was founded and named after Goodyear by Frank Seiberling.

On February 8, 1976, he was among six individuals selected for induction into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

In Woburn, Massachusetts, there is an elementary school named after him. The Government of France made him a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 1855.

The ACS Rubber Division awards a medal named in Goodyear's honor, the Charles Goodyear Medal. The medal honors principal inventors, innovators, and developers whose contributions resulted in a significant change to the nature of the rubber industry.

The Goodyear welt, a technique in shoe making, was named after and in honor of its inventor, Charles' son; Charles Goodyear Jr.

From Mr. Food

35 Min

Our Easy Cheeseburger Ring is a family-favorite, ground beef dinner recipe that gets everyone excited! It's simple, tasty, and easy to customize. It even doubles as a great party appetizer. The best part? No matter where you serve it, it's gonna be budget-friendly. Everyone loves a totally classic cheeseburger way of chowing down!


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons ketchup
  • 2 tablespoons mustard
  • 1 cup Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 (8-ounce) cans refrigerated crescent rolls


  1. Preheat oven to 350º. Coat a 12-inch pizza pan with cooking spray.
  2. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook beef and onion, stirring until beef crumbles and is no longer pink; drain.
  3. Stir in ketchup, mustard, Cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper. Cook 1 to 2 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Unroll crescent rolls. Place wide end of triangles in center of pizza pan, forming a ring, overlapping dough as necessary. Spoon meat mixture into center of each triangle. Bring smaller ends of triangles over meat, tucking ends under.
  5. Bake 20 minutes, or until rolls are golden. Serve warm.


***Serve with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onion, and pickles for that authentic cheeseburger experience!
Three special birthdays today.........
Loren Otto, Marine Corps League, is celebrating. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOREN!
Also today is the birthday of Patty (Hickey) McNaughton. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTY!!!
And also my pal Karen Baertschiger aka Sugar Bear is celebrating. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUGAR BEAR!
Historically this date...........
1781 – Los Angeles, California, is founded as El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora La Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula (The Village of Our Lady, the Queen of the Angels of Porziuncola) by 44 Spanish settlers.

1888 – George Eastman registers the trademark Kodak and receives a patent for his camera that uses roll film.

1957 – The Ford Motor Company introduces the Edsel.

1972 – Mark Spitz becomes the first competitor to win seven medals at a single Olympic Games.

1998 – Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University.

And births this date include...
 1913 – Mickey Cohen, American gangster (d. 1976)

1928 – Dick York, American actor (d. 1992)

1931 – Mitzi Gaynor, American actress

 1981  Beyoncé, American singer-songwriter, producer, dancer, and actress
All I know. Nuff said. Have a good Wednesday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo

National Wildlife Day on September 4th encourages improved awareness of the species around us and in the broader world.
This National Day aims to focus on endangered species, preservation, and conservation efforts around the world. Zoos, aviaries and marine sanctuaries provide a variety of ways to get involved.
No matter where you live, opportunities abound to learn and participate in the day. Wildlife doesn’t just exist in the forest or outside the city limits. Look closely. The creatures and animals sharing our world live under our feet and in the sky above us. Our rivers, lakes and oceans are teeming with wildlife of all sizes. It’s essential to understand how we impact the habitats that animals need to survive. Their homes supply their food and shelter.
Since wildlife relies on a stable habitat, understanding conservation and preservation is important. Developing strategies helps to maintain existing habitats and repair or replace those that have been destroyed. These strategies are especially important when a decline in a species is detected. For example, last month, International Whale Shark Day brings attention to the plight of the world’s largest fish. Despite efforts, the gentle giant continues to decline in numbers.
Around the world, facilities and organizations will present seminars and educational programs. Additionally, podcasts and documentaries alert us to the changing conditions for various species around the world.  Some may be as close as your own back yard. From the sky to the depths of the ocean, wildlife surrounds us.


Participate in a presentation or volunteer to fund-raise for rehabilitation services. Learn about the needs of endangered species and how conservation efforts work. While learning, implement your own techniques, as suggested by preservationists. Go on a wildlife walk and learn about the inhabitants near you. Visit the National Wildlife Federation to learn more.


Colleen Paige, the Pet Lifestyle Expert, and author founded National Wildlife Day in 2005 in memory of wildlife conservationist Steve Irwin.  The day serves to bring global awareness and education concerning the number of endangered animals and the need for conservation and preservation.