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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

BOOOOO on Oregon Elections! ~ Laney Honey ~ Mike&Nan ~ Greg ~ Funny Cat ~ Cute Kittens ~ Italian Lunch

Good 51º very foggy morning.
I AM SICK!!! Sick of the lies that were told during the elections. SICK of the assholes who won!!! People in OREGON are STUPID!!!!!! Only one of our people won, Greg Walden US Congressman. Our Dennis Richardson lost to that big idiot Kizhaber the Kreep! Dotterrer lost to a LIAR. Wheby lost to a LIAR! See..... voter idiots just like in California!
I received a package yesterday from Laney Honey. In it were 4 samples of Laney Honey.
Laney is my Dad's family name. My sister Betty has worked on the family history for some time and this company is run by a cousin. She had the honey sent to me. Thanks Betty! Their logo is  LOL, my dads initials were LHL. Here are the samples..

Honey with CHOCOLATE... be still my heart!!!! These are all sooooo good, but my fav is the lemon! Guess I'm going to have to order a couple big jars of it !

Mike (who was the birthday boy on the 3rd) and Nan Cipolla are celebrating their anniversary today. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KIDS! I will have a martini in your honor tonight!

Historically this date.....
1912 – Woodrow Wilson is elected to the presidency of the United States.
... yeah yeah yeah, that was the name of my high school... Woodrow Wilson. Natch the mascot was a Mule! Sue Shewalter and I were the 'inside workings' of the mascot. We'd parade around on the football field, sitting on the players laps (ha ha ha... that was Sue's end!!!) and being silly. What a job, you get really sweaty inside those costumes! I doubt if anyone ever took our picture. Sad.

1970 – Vietnam War: The United States Military Assistance Command in Vietnam reports the lowest weekly American soldier death toll in five years (24).

2006 – Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq, and his co-defendants Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and Awad Hamed al-Bandar are sentenced to death in the al-Dujail trial for the role in the massacre of the 148 Shi'as in 1982.

2009 – US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan kills 13 and wounds 29 at Fort HoodTexas in the deadliest mass shooting at a US military installation.

..... we can only hope this freak is put to death! He does not deserve to live and have his life paid for by the citizens of the US!

And births this date include....
1911 – Roy Rogers, American actor (d. 1998)

1919 – Myron Floren, American accordionist (d. 2005)

1940 – Elke Sommer, German actress

1941 – Art Garfunkel, American musician

1947 – Peter Noone, English musician (Herman's Hermits)

1963 – Tatum O'Neal, American actress

Speaking of birthdays..... a special friend, Greg Lundell (Wilson S'63) is celebrating today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREG!!!! (Glad to see you are finally catching up to me!) You and Becky have a great day!
Wasn't he the cutest thing~ And Greg was the voice of Wilson Radio. He was the DJ and played music during lunch. SEXY radio voice!!!
This video is tooooooooooooooooo funny.... A cat's attention is so focused, nothing deters him.

This made me smile. God knows we need some happy around here!
and ... speaking of cats... here is a kitten my high school pal, Adele (Easton) got for her daughter and son-in-law for their anniversary... something her daughter has wanted a long time... a Maine Coon...the one on the left is the baby girl.. 

Here is a full grown Maine Coon Cat...

Yesterday was "clean up the mess and put away the rest of the groceries day". Then it was lunch time. I had an "Eee-tal-e-ano" lunch... Dry Italian salami made with red wine.

I got that at Trader Joe's. It's called 'Chianti Salami'. Made by: Also, one of Jeannie's tomatoes, sprinkled with olive oil and a tad of bacon salt. And, a brown rice ricecake topped with ricotta cheese and sprinkled with some of Trader Joe's 21 Spice Salute. Accompanied by a glass of San Antonio Chianti wine. Hey, Paisan ... this was molto bene! 

All I know. Nuff said. This election has me soooooooooooooooo bummed it's not a 'happy' anything day! Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
November 5th
National Donut Day

(My favs are Krispy Kremes! Unfortunately the closest is in Beverton, Or which is 250 miles away and the only one I generally drive by on my way to California is in Stockton Ca which is 375 miles away. I guess it's a good thing, non are close! OINK!)
A doughnut is a small, fried ring of sweet, leavened dough. Doughnuts leavened with baking powder are more dense than the fluffier, yeast-leavened doughnuts. Originally a Dutch recipe without a hole, the dough is dropped into hot oil, and was originally called an olykoek, or oily cake. The first written reference to “doughnut” is in Washington Irving’s 1809 in History of New York, where he writes of “balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog’s fat, and called doughnuts, or olykoeks.”
A frosted doughnut with sprinkle. Photo by Michael Lorenzo | SXC.
It is said that in 1847, 16-year-old Hanson Gregory created the hole in the center of the doughnut by using the top of a round tin pepper container to punch the holes, so the dough would cook evenly. There are many types of doughnuts. Just a few include bismarks or jelly doughnuts, raised doughnuts leavened with yeast, squares and twists, crullers made from twisted cake-doughnut dough and French doughnuts made with cream-puff pastry dough. They can be filled or unfilled, plain, glazed or iced.