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Monday, September 22, 2014

Weather ~ Sunday Football ! ~ Jan ~ John B ~ Alden's Leather Works ~ Pickled Radishes ~ Curries/Leo's/Fosselman's

Good 51º and another wispy cloudy morning. Weather predictions for this week and part of next:

My friends who are vacationing over at the coast said last night it was raining and foggy and they were bundled up and eating steamed clams and barbecued oysters! Sigh. I'm sooooo pea green!  I had the AC on here! The temp got to 97º and it was still pretty humid!
Not too much different in how it looks this morning!
Sunday Football...
 Whoot whoot whoot!!!    Too bad .. so sad Raider's fans!  Not.

Monday Night Football tonight is Bears and Jets. Should be interesting! 
I've got family and friends that like each team. Gonna be palm sweating!

Today would have been a very special friend's birthday. My pal from way back in 1966, Jan Vargo. She unfortunately passed away in 2013. RIP Jan.  ♥ Her son Richie and my Kristen were the same age and played together. Although Kristen walked at 13 months (average) but Richie walked at 9 months! Kristen could not believe it and watched him with awe....

AND............. a friend from grammar school and high school, John Berokoff is celebrating today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! I hope you have a GREAT day!
John at our grammar school, Sierra Park, 3rd grade. John back row second from left.

12th grade... John middle row, 3rd from left.

John is now retired from teaching/coaching and enjoying his life with his Tanya. Hey Wilsonites, say hi to John! You still got it, JB!!!

Historically this date...
1888 – The first issue of National Geographic Magazine is published

... a magazine I have loved for years!

1941 – World War II: On Jewish New Year Day, the German SS murder 6,000 Jews inVinnytsyaUkraine. Those are the survivors of the previous killings that took place a few days earlier in which about 24,000 Jews were executed.

.......... unbelievable. Such horrid stats. Hitler should have died a painful and horrible death!

1975 – Sara Jane Moore tries to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford, but is foiled byOliver Sipple.

1991 – The Dead Sea Scrolls are made available to the public for the first time by theHuntington Library

1993 – A barge strikes a railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama, causing the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak history. 47 passengers are killed.

And births this date include...
1927 – Tommy Lasorda, American baseball manager

1959 – Tai Babilonia, American figure skater

1960 – Scott Baio, American actor

1961 – Bonnie Hunt, American actress


Tim Alden came over and we went down to the barn so he could look at the two leather sewing machines Jerry had and a leather "stripper"..... it cuts leather into strips! Sheeesh. He's going to come back and pick them up. Yes! He has a shop in Rogue River and he's on FB under Alden's School of Leather Trades... makes boots (beautiful boots), belts, holsters, etc....
and he teaches leather working classes...

Dinner was reruns.

Here's a great easy recipe for pickled radishes:
Easy as pie. Cut and trim 2 bunches of radishes, cut into quarters (the small ones in half). Put in Mason jar, add 2 T black peppercorns, 2 T mustard seed, 1 T kosher salt, 4 t sugar, 9-12 garlic cloves. Then fill almost to top with white vinegar and top off with water. Shake up until sugar dissolves, and refrigerate two days before eating.
OMG GOOD! Crunchy and tasty! Thank you to Taste Spotting~ and Claire.

All I know. Nuff said. Happy Monday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
September 22nd
National Ice Cream Cone Day

In El Sereno we had a Currie's Mile High Ice Cream Cone parlor. This isn't it, but close. On that corner of Huntington Dr and Eastern Ave now it looks like this :0(

Another great place for ice cream was Leo's Ice Cream in Alhambra on Main St. just east of Poplar Blvd. Couldn't find any photos. Darn. 

The next best place was Fosselman's on Main St. Alhambra just west of where Leo's was. Awesome ice cream. Still there!

For my 50th birthday my request was dinner at Lawry's Prime Rib in Beverly Hills and dessert was ice cream at Fosselman's! We stood out front eating our ice cream cones!
This was the first place Jelly Bellys were sold.
"David Klein sold the first Jelly Belly jelly beans in an ice cream parlor, Fosselman's, in Alhambra, California in 1976. The first flavors were Very Cherry, Tangerine, Lemon, Green Apple, Grape Jelly, Licorice, Root Beer, and Cream Soda. Total sales for the first seven-day period was $44. The product was selling for $2 per pound, which was considered a very high price at the time. Klein is no longer associated with this jelly bean and has his own company which makes David's Signature Jelly Beans.

Jelly Belly jelly beans were a favorite of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who kept a jar of them on his desk in the White HouseBlair House and on Air Force One. Ronald Reagan also made them the first jelly beans in outer space, sending them on the Shuttle Orbiter Challenger during the STS-7 mission in 1983, as a surprise for the astronauts"