Good 46º cloudy morning. Prediction is for rain.
The radar shows scattered bits around the area...
This was sent to me by my high school pal Nancy (Kujala).. The Last Dragnet
Episode (only less than 2 minutes) FUNNNY!!!
Last evening I met Bill & Jeannie Patterson, Dale & Dee Yellin, Mel
& Barbara Nix, Tom & Kathy Corso, and Nadine and Gene Pratt at
the Elk's Lodge for a "Mexican Dinner". The first encounter of the evening was
with the bartendress, Trish. OMG, total bad mood and a real BEEEOTCH! No tip for
her. She was grumpy grumpy with a frown the whole evening. One gentleman at the
bar when I was ordering a glass of wine told her, "I thought this was happy
hour." She gave him a dirty look! Imagine. On top of that they hired this dumb
girl to work in a place with mostly people my age... and she is all tatted down
and has a number of piercings. UGLY! Good thing we were with good and fun
friends as the dinner was horrible! Mexican food? Not. Not even close. I had the
chili rellano/enchilada/taco with rice and beans ($10) See... already took a bite of the taco. (ICK)
Three of us ordered the dinner with the chili rellano, and ours was not
served until almost everyone else had finished eating! Groan. At least the other
waitress/bartender Carleen is so nice! The cook for the evening was unknown to
us. The regular cook is GREAT, Eric, but he was out of town.
Mel and Barb are up from So. Cal. Nice to see them. Jerry was in the
Choirboys MC Club with Mel and Dale. (Choirboys: must be active, retired, or
reserve deputy/cop and have a Harley!
Choir Boys MC is a hard-riding, hard-living motorcycle
club that wears the similar three piece patch of the outlaw clubs.
There is one unique difference. The Choir Boys are all cops. ) The Harley Jerry and I rode:
Which is now living quite a different life in Paris France!
The other day, the 6th, I took the following photos and then couldn't get
them off the card due to a computer problem. This sun on the mountain blew me
away. I looked and looked and never could see the sun. It must have found a hole
in the clouds and showed off for a minute. In just a couple minutes later is was
gone and cloudy again.......
When I came back in, Bruiser was sniffing Dude! LOL. I know what Dude is
thinking.... HOLY CRAP, I'm scared!
Historically this date....
1876 – The Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks is organized.
1954 – The most boring day since 1900 according
to the True Knowledge Answer Engine
1965 – The Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of
1965: Fifty-one
tornadoes hit in sixMidwestern states, killing 256
And births this date
1928 – Ethel Kennedy, American wife of Robert F. Kennedy
I read about the tornado in Illinois and wrote my high
school pal Greg Lundell asking if he and Becky were OK. They are northwest of
Chicago by about 50 miles and the tornado hit just a few miles west of them.
They are in Huntley and the tornado touched down in
Here is what Greg said... harrowing to say the least!
"There were several tornados in Illinois on Thursday. The clouds were low
and creepy looking on Wednesday. T
-storms came through that night. I had eye surgery scheduled for Thursday
noon, so ended up using a car service to make traveling less stressful for us.
Besides trying to minimize our stress levels, we didn't want our Explorer to get
damaged by hail. We got home late afternoon.
The wind was strong, rain was horizontal, with thunder and lightning
everywhere. We turned on the Weather Channel just in time to catch a live report
from a tornado chaser who was driving parallel to the huge EF? that we watched
Fairdale. It was shocking video. ( )
As the sun set in the West, things got scary for us. NOA radio reported
tornados were being spotted all over the place. We heard one was headed for
about 10 miles from us. (the town where Ground Hog Day was filmed) We
decided to head to our basement.
Things got really bad, because both of my eyes were covered post-surgery,
so Becky had to guide me around the house and lead me downstairs. She was a
real trooper. Fortunately, all our emergency supplies were available. But I
forgot my pain pills upstairs. As Becky was going back up for them, the tornado
"voice" started broadcasting some information that neither of us was able to
hear well. But, we knew the message wasn't good news. By the time Becky
returned with the pills, the siren was blaring and we took cover. The
siren stays on as long as a twister is on the ground. It stopped blaring after
about 5 minutes.
After that only t-storms continued in our area. We slept downstairs that
night just in case an errant storm happened along our way.
Today is already beautiful clear blue skies. We're headed back to the
Dr. this morning, without fear of bad weather. Hope all is well with
All I know. Happy Saturday. Nuff said. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
April 11th
Baby Massage Day: 11 Link (Always 2nd Saturday)
*Barbershop Quartet Day: 11
*Education and Sharing Day: 11 (Jewish) Link
*International "Louie Louie" Day: 11
International Table Top Day: 11 Link
*National Pet Day: 11 Link
*Barbershop Quartet Day: 11
*Education and Sharing Day: 11 (Jewish) Link
*International "Louie Louie" Day: 11
International Table Top Day: 11 Link
*National Pet Day: 11 Link
LOVE my pets!!!
April 11 is National Pet Day! Pets
are a wonderful addition to our lives and have a positive impact in our world.
There are approximately 85 million pet cats and 75 million pet dogs in the
United States. Today we celebrate our pets and remember how great they truly
Colleen Paige, a national pet expert, created national pet
day. She wanted to advocate all pets that are need of adoption. Her philosophy
is to adopt rather than shop. There are so many pets out there ready to have a
home. Check a local shelter or ASPCA when ready for a new pet.
To celebrate national pet day, take your dog for a walk or
give your pet a special treat. If you don't own a pet,
consider donating to a local animal charity.