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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Back Home

Hello all. I just returned home yesterday from a trip leaving here a week ago Friday to visit family and friends and to attend the LASD Reunion Roundup in Laughlin NV. 

Good to be home where it's 37 degrees in the morning and not 70!!! Picked up Bruiser and Dude, stopped to say "hi" to Brian and then HOME! Oh so good to be back. Don't look for a blog for a few days. I have a ton of catching up to do ... mowing, weed-eating, weed/grass spraying..... will be busy. 

To those of you who kept sending me emails and filled my email box, all I can say is that I don't have time to read them. Sorry. Won't delete them yet, but will see. Thanks to those of you who held off until I returned. 


Sue Mom Bobo