Good 39º possibility of rain/snow. Look at the archives on the left...
click on 2011 arrow and on the November arrow and on November 6th. Snow~! Power
out. What a day!
Today: radar and satellite pictures.....
And some awesome news.... the votes all in, my friend Doug Breidenthal won the County Comissioner seat!!!! YEAH DOUG! Congratulations!!!
A great day for Jackson County!!!!
Fall is so here... and Bruiser was out hunting while the turkeys were
searching for acorns....
I am so in love with Photoshop.... look at the two pictures ..of Bruiser
and of the turkeys before I "messed" with them...
Ha ha ha..... it's also good for removing dark circles and wrinkles!!!
Today is a special day for my friend Lydia and her hubby Gerry Plunk ....
37 years together. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KIDS! (I don't have a picture of you and
Gerry, L!)
Lydia's "A Very Good Life" blog on gardening can be viewed here
Today is also Brenda's husband Robert Flores birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
ROBERT!!! Hey Robert, the next one starts with a '6'. Whoa! Whodda thought~!!
Here's Robert and Bren .....
For historical accounts and famous people's birthdays go to the archives on
the left. Click the 2011 arrow and click the November arrow and Nov 8th.
Yesterday I took the tomatoes I had cooked in the crockpot with garlic and
onion and put them in the strainer. Let the juice all seep out and put that in a
cooking pot. The tomatoes were then strained, the skins coming off (out the left
side) and the sauce was put into a large pan with basil, Tuscany seasoning, caraway seed (yes, good and great added flavor!) and
I heated and canned the juice for smoothies and the sauce for
The other day I bought a giant cauliflower.... the size of a basket ball!
It would barely fit into the shopping bag. Cut it up last night, cooked in
salted water til soft. Drained well. Put back into pan, added some butter, Greek
yogurt, ricotta cheese, and mashed them like potatoes.
I served the mashed cauliflower with a chicken thigh I had cooked in the
crockpot with enchilada sauce the other day, topped it with some of the marinara
sauce and feta cheese.
OMGOOD!!!!! That cauliflower is just AWESOME. Next time I'll serve it with
some snipped chives on top. Wow, I'm drooling thinking about how good it was.
Hey, nuff said. Have a great day. Haircut for me day and meeting friends at
1600 for martinis! Yeowsa!
xo Sue Mom
November 8th
National Cappuccino Day
National Harvey Wallbanger Day
oz vodka
1/2 oz Galliano
oz orange juice