Good 53º wind howling morning!
It looks like we're in for another stormy day...
Yesterday was like this too. First it was drizzly, then sun would appear, then it would rain like mad, then the sun. On the way to and from yesterday there were cells moving all over and some patches of road were dry and some soaked. Weird.
Carol and Neil's was fun. Lots of wonderful food. Carol's famous egg bake, enchiladas, salads, deviled eggs (mine with spinach/bacon and salsa/cheese), Jen's wonderful cinnamon bites, Jean's spinach/cream cheese roll ups, my apple/celery salad, and the stuffed rolls (bacon, chives, cheese, and ricotta) OINK.... Then since it was Carol's birthday we had cake ..
Sami was a big help licking the frosting off the candles!
After the kids got their Easter gifts (I gave them baskets with "stuff" to play with) and they were going to do their own egg hunt at their house, the rain came down in buckets! Again. So I left for home.
I stopped at my neighbors, Frank and Cindy, they are just outside my gate. They were having a HUGE family barbecue and there were 7 dog in attendance! Lucy, their Jack Russell and 3 other Jacks (one painted up for Easter), a big black doggie, a doxie, and a fluffy puppy with different colored eyes!
I baked another batch of the stuffed rolls and headed to Debbie and Tom's. More wonderful food and lots of laughs.... Tom made 6 pies! Apple, pumpkin, cream cheese, blueberry topped cheese cake, and lemon meringue.
...and Tom made potato salad. PatC made a wonderful roast and gravy and sweet potatoes, PJ had fresh asparagus with hollandaise, I brought another apple/celery salad and rolls and stuffed eggs, Patty made ham roll ups with pickled asparagus in the middle...
And Debbie made a "Peeps" tree ^ !
I have to tell you after reading that email that went around about all the things you can do with aluminum foil...
I was skeptical about the ball of foil in the dryer taking out the static electricity. I don't use fabric softener so I tried it. IT WORKS!! No static ever! The foil absorbs it. Magic.
Here is the beautiful birdhouse I saw on Gary's FB page and told him I wanted. He delivered it to my front porch!
Now to figure where to hang it.
Historically this date...
1965 – Teenage sniper Michael Andrew Clark kills three and wounds six others shooting from a hilltop along Highway 101 just south of Santa Maria, California.
1975 – As North Vietnamese forces close in on the South Vietnamese capital Saigon, the Australian Embassy is closed and evacuated, almost ten years to the day since the first Australian troop commitment to South Vietnam.
1981 – More than 100 workers are exposed to radiation during repairs of a nuclear power plant in Tsuruga, Japan.
And births this date include...

... my favorite in Birdcage!
There is more.... for later. Will share recipes then..
All for now. Nuff said.
xo Mom-Soupy-Sue
April 25th
World Penguin Day