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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mo Rain! ~ Dude ~ TBT ~ Bruiser ~ Laney Honey ~ Law Enforcement/Fire Lunch ~ Michael Duran

Good 47º raining morning. Stayed dry all day yesterday and even some sun peeking through at times. Rain started somewhere around 3 or 4am and so far we've gotten 1/4".
More on the way!

Yesterday after I came home from lunch I let Dude run in the pasture. He had fun jumping the creek!

Throw Back Thursday.. 1959 my Scuffy Ann of Stockbridge..
Pedigreed dogs have fancy names so that's why I named her that including our street name! 

The sweetest dog ever! She would sit up on her hind legs like this when Mom was ironing and just sit there watching her!

Here is the nut Bruiser watching a video of cats on Youtube sitting on my desk...

Breakfast yesterday was yogurt with fresh raspberries and a drizzle of Laney Orange Blossom Honey! Soooooooooooo good!

If you want some SUPER good honey... go here... (BTW, we're related, cousins, my  maiden name is Laney!)

This is funny... what I wrote on my blog 3 years ago this date...
The little black and white feral cat is getting less scared of me. I call him "BC" for 'black cat'!  I have put food and water in the bed of my golf cart and yesterday he actually came up while I was outside and 'mewed' at me! I came inside and took his picture through the slider door...
Historically this date...
1917 – The Congress of the United States passes theImmigration Act of 1917 over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. Also known as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act, it forbade immigration from nearly all of south and southeast Asia. on the act title...interesting text in this ....

1918 – Stephen W. Thompson shoots down a German airplane. It is the first aerial victory by the U.S. military.

1958 – A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered.
..................hmmmmmm, wouldn't want to go diving down there!

2009 – The United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Port Royal runs aground offOahuHawaii, damaging the ship as well as a coral reef.
.........who was driving that one, Francesco Schettino?

And births this date include....
1848 – Belle Starr, American outlaw (d. 1889)

.........My God, what a life. Totally wild and out of control. Her son suspected in her murder, but never proven. Daughter was a trollop like her mother. Interesting read.

1906 – John Carradine, American actor (d. 1988)

Remember when we saw him, Sandy? We were coming out of the parking garage at my dental surgeon's after my wisdom teeth were 'dug out' and John was walking down Sunset Blvd in front of us! No camera! Dang.

1908 – Daisy and Violet Hilton, British conjoined twins (d. 1969)'s another OMG. Poor things. 60 years conjoined and a very sad death.

1919 – Red Buttons, American actor (d. 2006)

I loved the movie Sayonara. He got an Oscar for his roll.

1934 – Hank Aaron. American baseball player

1942 – Roger Staubach, American football player
Yesterday was the Law Enforcement/Fire luncheon at the GP Golf Club. 

Bill Patterson & Jeannie, Dale Yellin & Dee, Jim Morris, Lynn McConnell all attended. We even had a Concord California ret. officer join us, Mike Gamble. (I can remember his name as my brother-in-law, Joe, worked for Proctor & Gamble at one time!) We had a nice lunch... the girls and I got the quesadilla (cheese, bacon, green chilis) with sour cream, salsa, and guacamole... HEAVEN!

It was nice the girls joined us. Afterwards we went to the Elk's Lodge for a glass of wine and more chat!

Nice afternoon.
Today is my friends' Olga & Jimmy Duran's (LASD Sgt) son Michael's 15th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL! xo
The whole family... l-r Jimmy Aidan Olga Michael Amanda (engaged to James) James (also LASD) GREAT family!!! Jimmy and my Kristen were in the same Academy class and I worked with Jimmy at ELA Station.
All I know. Nuff said. HAPPY TBT.Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
February 5th
National Weatherman's Day

National Weatherman's Day honors weathermen, and woman who work hard to accurately predict the often fickle weather. Despite major technological advances and supercomputers, forecasting the weather is still a tricky, and ever changing business.
Knowing the weather is important in so many ways. It affect how we dress, where we go, and even if we go. Space launches are made or delayed depending upon the weather. And, knowing the weather can save lives. The most obvious example is knowing when and where hurricanes or tornados may hit.
According to the Air Force News, Weatherman's Day "commemorates the birth of John Jeffries, one of America's first weathermen". Jeffries was born on Feb 5, 1744. He kept weather records from 1774 to1816.