Good 41º morning.
Well, another month down. Eleven more to go. Wish it would stop whizzing by so danged fast!
And Dee, wanted you to know how much Harley loved the crab! He sends his burping oinking thanks. He didn't even come up for air.... happy cat!
Thanks Rod Johnson for this....
April - June 1962 these two went through MCRD Marine Corps boot camp.... who knew!
Just in case you need your eyes washed out... watch this...
Historically this date...
1926 - Leslie and Margaret Laney
were married in Tombstone AZ. 19 years later Susan was born in Los Angeles.
I miss you Mom and Dad! So much!!! ♥♥
1957 – Eight people on the ground in Pacoima, California are killed following the mid-air collision between a Douglas DC-7 airliner and a Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter jet.
1971 – Apollo program: Apollo 14 – Astronauts Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell, aboard a Saturn V, lift off for a mission to the Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon.
2001 – In the Netherlands, a Scottish court convicts Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and acquits another Libyan citizen for their part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.
...............and then those high court morons let him go!
And births this date include....
His home in Avalon on Catalina Island, turned into a hotel, was a favorite place for Jerry and I to stay. Whatta view!
Died from lung cancer.... dems damn cigarettes!
Yesterday I took Maggie to the vets. As I pulled into the parking lot for our 1pm appointment, Dr. Ron was backing his truck up and was leaving. He got out and said I was 45 min early. Sum ting wong. Someone wrote down the wrong time. "1pm" was written on my receipt, so it must have been put in the book wrong. Anyway, he's so nice. Said what the heck, "we'll take the stitches out right here" while Maggie sits in the car. Cool. He went in the office and came out with gauze and forceps and we had a parking lot procedure!
Maggie was really happy, regardless of the look on her face. She didn't have to go inside and wait and then have a thermometer stuck in her butt!!! She was shaking at first, but calmed right down. She will now have a scar and a bald spot on her shoulder.
We came home and I made the peanut butter cookie waffles. You have to add about 3 T of flour to the mix, as it is very soft and hard to get out of the waffle iron in one piece. I used a sharp pointed knife to lift the edge and tongs to lift each one out.
But, once they cool they are crispy and GOOD!!!!

I cooked a whole chicken in the crockpot and added a box of Imagine Potato Leek Soup. When done, drained chicken in a colander and refrigerated. Refrigerate the soup also so the fat can be taken off the top. Then heat the soup, adding some of the chicken torn off and/or cut into bite size. Add mushrooms (I used the shitake dried), garlic, onion, and seasoning if needed. Place the frozen chicken/vegetable potstickers in a frying pan and coat with oil. Add 2/3 cup water, turn on med high, cook with lid on for about 8 minutes ... until water evaporated, then sauté until browned on each side. Add to soup.......
I added some dried basil at the last. OMG GOOD!
All I know. Nuff said. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
January 31st
Brandy Alexander Day
If you don't want to drink one... make a pie...