Good 27º good thing I didn't plant tomatoes yet morning! Burrrrr.....
Yesterday I spent the whole day it seems sitting here. All the pictures from the Salem trip that people wanted got emailed to them in zip files, but only 3-4 pictures to a file, so it was time consuming. I did fix an interesting and good dinner.....
Olive oil in large pan.. add minced or thin sliced garlic, 2-3 cloves. Saute on med heat. Break woody end off asparagus and cut into bite sized pieces, add to pan. Drain and add a can of sliced mushrooms. Drain and chop a can of black olives (after eating 6 or 8 first!). Add the olives to a pan keeping warm on the stove. When the asparagus and mushrooms are done add them to the warming pan. Add a few more swirls of olive oil to the fry pan and saute sliced polenta over med - med high heat. Sprinkle with black pepper and sprinkle on some balsamic vinegar. Cook until golden on both sides. Plate and top with shredded Parmesan cheese.
Really really good!
Today's lunch I'll heat the rest of the polenta, top it with yogurt mixed with cukes or tomatoes or something!
Historically this date....
1915 – The RMS Lusitania departs from New York City on her two hundred and second, and final, crossing of the North Atlantic. Six days later, the ship is torpedoed off the coast of Ireland with the loss of 1,198 lives, including 128 Americans, rousing American sentiment against Germany.
Here are some photos I took in 2008 from the viewing deck of the Empire State Bldg:
Lots and lots of yellow taxis down there!!
What fun that was!
1960 – Cold War: U-2 incident – Francis Gary Powers, in a Lockheed U-2 spyplane, is shot down over the Soviet Union, sparking a diplomatic crisis.
1961 – The Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro, proclaims Cuba a socialist nation and abolishes elections.
1991 – Rickey Henderson of the Oakland Athletics steals his 939th base, making him the all-time leader in this category. However, his accomplishment is overshadowed later that evening by Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers, when he pitches his seventh career no-hitter, breaking his own record.
2007 – the Los Angeles May Day mêlée occurs, in which the Los Angeles Police Department's response to a May Day pro-immigration rally become a matter of controversy.
And births this date include.....

Seems like 'the bear' is back. My nyjer seed feeder has disappeared! Grrrrrrrrr...........
Elk and deer before sunset.....
The 'dizzies' seem to have gone. Must have been fluid in my inner ear like the doc thought. He put me on some STRONG pills (Furosemide) and they pretty much keep you house-bound when you first take them for up to 6 hours. I will empty a full bladder 5 times in 45 minutes! Well, maybe TMI~ LOL
Ok, all I know. Nuff said. Will stop in the local RR Grower's Market today. Happy Sunday. Ciao
xo Mom-Soupy-Sue
May 1st
National Chocolate Parfait Day