Good 45º cloudy morning.
Rain started at 3pm yesterday and rained all night. We ended up with 1/2".
Yesterday was the 'boob smash'...painless and quick. A friend raised the question of mammogram vs sonogram...
Diagnostic sonography (ultrasonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique used for visualizing subcutaneous body structures including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs for possible pathology or lesions. Obstetric sonography is commonly used during pregnancy and is widely recognized by the public.
At this time, mammography along with physical breast examination is the modality of choice for screening for early breast cancer. Ultrasound, ductography, positron emission mammography (PEM), and magnetic resonance imaging are adjuncts to mammography. Ultrasound is typically used for further evaluation of masses found on mammography or palpable masses not seen on mammograms. Ductograms are still used in some institutions for evaluation of bloody nipple discharge when the mammogram is non-diagnostic. MRI can be useful for further evaluation of questionable findings as well as for screening pre-surgical evaluation in patients with known breast cancer to detect any additional lesions that might change the surgical approach, for instance from breast-conserving lumpectomy to mastectomy. New procedures, not yet approved for use in the general public, including breast tomosynthesis may offer benefits in years to come.
Ultrasound is good for, as it says, further evaluations of masses, but it doesn't show calcifications.
Calcifications are one of the findings that can be seen on your mammogram. These are very small bits of calcium can appear within the soft tissue of your breast. Calcifications are not breast cancer. These aren't always a sign of breast cancer. Sometimes calcifications are an indication of a precancerous condition. They appear as white dots on your mammogram.
At this time, mammography along with physical breast examination is the modality of choice for screening for early breast cancer. Ultrasound, ductography, positron emission mammography (PEM), and magnetic resonance imaging are adjuncts to mammography. Ultrasound is typically used for further evaluation of masses found on mammography or palpable masses not seen on mammograms. Ductograms are still used in some institutions for evaluation of bloody nipple discharge when the mammogram is non-diagnostic. MRI can be useful for further evaluation of questionable findings as well as for screening pre-surgical evaluation in patients with known breast cancer to detect any additional lesions that might change the surgical approach, for instance from breast-conserving lumpectomy to mastectomy. New procedures, not yet approved for use in the general public, including breast tomosynthesis may offer benefits in years to come.
Ultrasound is good for, as it says, further evaluations of masses, but it doesn't show calcifications.
Calcifications are one of the findings that can be seen on your mammogram. These are very small bits of calcium can appear within the soft tissue of your breast. Calcifications are not breast cancer. These aren't always a sign of breast cancer. Sometimes calcifications are an indication of a precancerous condition. They appear as white dots on your mammogram.
So to answer my friend, I will continue with the recommended mammogram on a yearly basis. As for the radiation amounts, minimal as they are, are all part of the world we live in with radiation all around us and in the atmosphere.
So, then went to Costco, Post Office, Ace, and home. PJ and Dave came up and we got the weed sprayer out of the barn and into the back of his truck...
which looks something like this. Jerry towed it behind the riding lawnmower. It has a hand-held spray nozzle or you can operate the sprayers in the back for spraying the weeds in the gravel road. Dave is going to get it working so we can save some $$ spraying ourselves.
Cook the Chicken Fajita Rice per directions. Cut up chicken pieces and add to warming fry pan. Also add drained mushrooms, half a can of drained olives, about a cup of the peas, and the grape tomatoes sliced in half. When the rice is done add that as well. WONDERFUL!!!
Historically this date....
1792 – U.S. President George Washington exercises his authority to veto a bill, the first time this power is used in the United States.
1933 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 6102 "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates" by U.S. citizens.
1951 – Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are sentenced to death for performing espionage for the Soviet Union.
1955 – Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom amid indications of failing health.
..... what a life he had! What a military hero.
And births this date include...

Josephine Owaissa Cottle was her real name!!!

1937 – Colin Powell, U.S. Army General, 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and 65th Secretary of State
..... I used to admire him until he switched sides!!!