Good 33ยบ clear morning. Yesterday was a beauteous day. Clear
and sunny. Hopefully today will be the same. Got lots of work to do outside.
Yesterday breakfast.... I took some of the leftover Colcannon
and made a patty, put it in the frying pan, medium high with a little cooking
spray on the bottom of the pan and some of Julie's Hard Pressed Wild Mushroom
Mayhem oil. After the patty cooked a bit I added in two eggs and let them all
cook together. Dished it up and topped with mozzarella cheese!
Projects yesterday included errands into town to post office, pharmacy, and
Ace. Back home and then did some more investigation on information about our
deceased deputy friend, Winston Elliott. With input from Rico at the BC Range
and talking to Win's son Todd I am getting the 411 so it can be posted. RELAC
(Retired Employees Los Angeles County) didn't have any information and he didn't
belong to Sheriff's Relief. So, still working on this. Todd is going to call me
Out in the pasture yesterday was an odd sight... two vultures.. the one on the right had something it was eating (eewwwwww) and then the one on the left started sunning himself...
Historically this date....
1918 – The U.S. Congress establishes time zones and approves daylight saving time.
1945 – World War II: Adolf Hitler issues his "Nero Decree" ordering all industries, military
installations, shops, transportation facilities and communications facilities
in Germany to be destroyed.
1987 – Televangelist Jim Bakker resigns as head of the PTL Club due to a brewing sex scandal; he hands over
control to Jerry Falwell.
... jailed for
fraud and now out, still owes $6 million in back taxes, remarried, and is still
taking people's money via being a televangelist! Wake up,
And births this date
1848 – Wyatt Earp, American marshall (d.
1936 – Ursula Andress, Swiss actress
1944 – Sirhan Sirhan, Palestinian-born
1947 – Glenn Close, American actress

1955 – Bruce Willis, American actor
Today is Throw Back Thursday.. here is Kristen with her pal Richie Vargo and Deputy Leo Jaramillo.
My daughter Kristen has been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She is
47 years old. With several doctors working on her side, as her daughter Alex
calls them "Team Kristen", she is getting good care and information. A
turn-around from the norm we hear about, Kristen will have chemo prior to the
operation. She will start tomorrow and every Friday for 9 weeks. Then
assessments will take place before the next step. Surgery will take place after
that. It sounds as if she has super good and caring physicians. She goes to the
Huntington Hospital USC Cancer Center on Fair Oaks in Pasadena. Please keep her
in your prayers ... she is "my baby girl" .... still.
And with her brother Brian ...
All I know. Nuff said. Happy TBT, Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
March 19th
Poultry Day

Day celebrates chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume. Chicken and
turkey are lower in fats, and cholesterol than other meats, making it better for
your health. They also give you your breakfast eggs.
Poultry Day with eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, and barbecue
chicken for dinner. Don't forget to cook up some chicken fingers for the
famous Chicken: Looney Tune's
Foghorn leghorn.
Philosophy: Which came first, the
chicken or the egg?