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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sun ~ Auto Painter ~ "Who's On First" ? ~ Flory ~ Olive Tapenade

Good 39º cloudy and no rain predicted morning. It did rain on and off all day yesterday, but mostly sprinkles.          

YEAH, and the sun did come out yesterday for a few!

This is my wallpaper on my computer... Sorrento Italy. So pretty! Wouldn't you love to have this view from your porch!

So, got me going on the auto painter again after Adelle sent me a watercolor of my porch.... she has an app for her iPad from that cost $2.99. So cool.

Can't get that app or software for PC's so used my auto painter (called Dynamic Auto Painter and it's $50+ at Amazon) on the Sorrento picture...

I also used it on a picture of Dude and my mountain (posted on FB)

Got this from a friend, Ike (LASD ret) who said he didn't understand, as he's Canadian. (Yeah, right Ike! LOL)

Historically this date... (Remember.. click on the words in blue and that is the link to more information)
1842 – Ether anesthesia is used for the first time, in an operation by the American surgeon Dr. Crawford Long.

1867 – Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, about 2 cent/acre ($4.19/km²), by United States Secretary of State William H. Seward.

..............and to repeat myself from last year..."(... and the beeeoootch I shared and office with at CF Braun, Patsy Paige, made a horrible remark when I told her the President had been shot .."He deserved it", she said !!!
Of course not to mention that she was lazy, expected pay for not doing a thing, ghetto born and bred ... Oh, and she was extremely prejudicial!" ... sort of like that beeeeotch in the White House now!

And births this date include....
1853 – Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (d. 1890)

1926 – Peter Marshall, American game show host

1930 – John Astin, American actor

1957 – Paul Reiser, American actor

1965 – Piers Morgan, British journalist and television personality
............ ADAM HENRY!!!!! CREEP!!!!!

1968 – Celine Dion, Canadian singer

Today is the birthday of a "new friend"... Flory Ornstein.. she and her hubby Neil (former USMC & LASD SR) live at the coast and attended one of our LE/Fire luncheons.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORY! See you soon!

Do you like olives? You will like this...
Olive Tapenade
1 cup pitted Klamata olives
1/2 cup black olives
1/2 cup stuffed green olives
2 cloves garlic
2 T. (or more) olive oil
1 T. lemon juice
1 t. lemon zest
1/4 t. black pepper
Chop all in food processor. Serve at room temperature with crackers or crostini...

I LIKE this:

All I know. Nuff said. Happy Sunday. Ciao.

xo Sue Mom Bobo

March 30th
National Doctor's Day

My doctor, Rachael Orozco, MD "is Family Practice, Board Certified. She is 45 years old, graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine in 1999.
Dr. Rachael is originally from Hollister, CA and moved to Cambridge, MA for college at Harvard University where she received a B.A. in biology. After college she lived in Boston, working in genetics research a the Brigham and Women's Hospital. She attended Tufts University for her Medical Training and completed her Residency in Family Practice in Main. She moved to Oregon in 2004 to be closer to her family. When not working she enjoys spending time with her daughter, running, exercising, hiking, knitting, and scrapbooking." I just LOVE her! She is awesome, smart, fun, and pretty. She is so caring and it comes across.