Good 51º soon to be very hot day.
I am SOOOOO HAPPY Bruiser came home! Yesterday morning after I sent my
blog, here he comes! Hungry and happy to see me. As I told Jeannie and Nancy, it
must have been that 'girl thing' he was after... seeing that he is probably the
area stud!
"Oh boy oh boy... food!!!"
"Hi mom... why are you sticking that thing in my face??"
"This is nice."
Such a relief. Now I can concentrate on other things!
I told you about the corn I prepared for dinner at Patty & Cliff's with
the mayonnaise/taco seasoning spread.... so this is a few other ways to do it...
thanks to George Bachmeier (LASD Ret).... Get out of your 'butter only on corn
on the cob' rut!!! Be brave, try something new!
John Maloni from Rite Way Heating/AC got here late yesterday. Busy guy this
time of year! He got my AC up and running ... YEAH! If you need a good AC or
Heating guy in Rogue River, Medford, Grants Pass area ... he's the one.
541-582-2481 or you can email John or Debbie at
A birthday today and an anniversary... friend Gail Harris, wife of Just
Plain Bruce Harris (LASD Ret) is celebrating her special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
GAIL!!! And, Patty & Cliff's son Chuck and his bride Linda are celebrating
their anniversary today. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KIDS!!!
Historically this date.....
1929 – Babe Ruth becomes the first baseball player to hit 500 home runs in his career with a
home run at League Park in Cleveland, Ohio.
.........what a mess!
And births this date include....
All I know. Nuff said. Happy Saturday. Cleaning out closets today!
I hope the Mediterranean is open today,
as it's Martini Saturday and they are in the
process of selling the restaurant. Boooo....

xo Sue Mom Bobo
August 11th
National Garage Sale Day
(*get rid of stuff!)