Good windy cloudy 53º storm is movin' in morning. Clouds are
blowing from south to north. 90% chance of rain. We'll see...
These three photos taken about 30 minutes apart.
The tornado devastation in Oklahoma is heart breaking. I will be sending a
donation to the Red Cross this morning. Wish there was more I could do. Hard to
understand what those people, children especially, went through and how they are
going to cope with the loss of everything.
Breakfast .... canned salmon, scrambled eggs, cheese,
chives, avocado, tomato.
Today is a special birthday... Jimmy Duran (Sgt. LASD),
academy classmate of my daughter Kristen, hubby of my pal Olga. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
(celebrating on the weekend with two of his boys, Aidan and
Today is also another dear friend's birthday.. Rico Suavé! LOL. Richard
Escalante, civilian LE Tech for LASD at the BC Range in ELA.
Rico also attended the same high school I did, but he graduated about 20
years AFTER I did! Been a friend for a long time. He and his Annette, Charline
& Sid, Dr. Mac, and Jerry and I would spend weekends at Dr. Mac's house in
San Clemente. House right on the beach. Such fun. Good times Rico!!! HAPPY
Thought this too funny.... Cop Humor...
This information on coconut oil I received from my friend Sally Harper,
wife of Wilsonite Jim Harper. It's about a remedy that is being tested out on
those with Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Interesting to me as my mom had
Alzheimers and two friends were just diagnosed with Parkinsons.
You may also want to watch:
And there is a list of videos all on Alzheimers and Parkinsons:
Historically this date...
1917 – The Great Atlanta
fire of 1917 causes $5.5 million in damages, destroying some 300 acres
including 2,000 homes, businesses and churches, displacing about 10,000 people
but leading to only one fatality (due to heart attack).
1924 – University of
Chicago students Richard Loeb and Nathan
Leopold, Jr. murder 14-year-old Bobby Franks in a "thrill killing". this is an interesting read!
1936 – Sada Abe is arrested after
wandering the streets of Tokyo for days with her dead
lover's severed genitals in her hand. Her story
soon becomes one of Japan's most notorious scandals.
...OMG here's another wild murder....
1976 – The Yuba City bus
disaster occurs in Martinez,
California. 29 are killed making it the deadliest road accident in U.S.
2005 – The tallest roller coaster in the
world, Kingda Ka opens at Six Flags Great
Adventure in Jackson
Township, New Jersey.
.......NO THANKS!
And births this date includes....

Dinner was just some Progresso Soup...nothing fancy. Call from Kristen last
evening. You might recall Boudin was supposed to deliver replacement bread
loaves to her Friday with an additional "sorry" loaf. She left work at 4:20
Friday. The school closes at 4. When she got to work yesterday there was a box
on her desk from Boudin! Apparently the FedEx guy came real late, the janitor
was there and took the box. ARE THEY STUPID????? Sigh........ Another letter to
Boudin today! You know the bread had to be baked on, say, Tuesday. Packaged and
mailed on Wednesday (2 day delivery), so when she finally got it the bread was 7
days old! Ok, off the
All I know. Nuff said. Happy Tuesday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom
May 21st
National Strawberries & Cream Day