Good 38º high fog morning.
Yesterday we started off super foggy.
Later the fog left and the clouds moved in and we topped at 70º.
Picture of the Day 
Interesting about Drive In Movie Theaters.....
The first drive-in theater was opened in 1933 in New Jersey by Richard Hollingshead. He originally came up with the idea because his mother was a rather large lady who could not fit comfortably in standard theater seats. So he set up an outdoor screen and projector so he and his mom could enjoy movies together from the front seat of his car. From there, as they say, the rest is history. The second drive-in opened in 1934 and that is when the drive-in theater boom began. Drive-in numbers increased steadily until reaching their peak of about 4000 in the United States in the late 1950’s. From there, a slow and steady decline began.
Some people are surprised to learn that there are still drive-in theaters around and that they are not just a relic of the past. While it is true that most drive-ins have closed, there are still about 330 operating in the United States. That is down over 90% from their peak of about 4000 in the late 1950’s. But of those drive-ins that remain, most are very popular in their local communities and stay packed during warm summer weekends.
A lot has changed since the first drive-in opened. For the most part, gone are the days of 35mm film projectors and pole speakers which have been replaced by digital projection and FM audio transmission. Today’s drive-ins are more advanced than those of yesteryear. However, while the technology has changed and advanced, some things at the drive-in still remain the same. If you want to get a feel for what it was like to visit a drive-in of old, then why not visit one of the oldest operating drive-ins in the United States where (other than the technology), not much has changed. We compiled a list of the 5 oldest operating drive-ins (all in the United States). Here they are listed by age.
1. Shankweiler’s Drive-in located in Orefield, PA (opened 1934)
The oldest operating drive-in in the world is Shankweiler’s Drive-in which is located in Orefield, PA which is about 15 minutes outside of Allentown, PA. And while Shankweiler’s has had many owners over the years, the 2018 season marks its 85th year of continuous operation (never been closed a season). If you want to visit over the weekend, plan on getting there 2 to 2 ½ hours before movie time as the drive-in is very popular and fills up quickly and normally sells out on weekends.
And if owning and operating the oldest drive-in in the world has any appeal to you, Shankweiler’s is currently for sale for $1.2 million. Shankweiler’s is open seasonally from April thru September. You can learn more about Shankweiler’s here.
2. Lynn Auto Theatre located in Strasburg, OH (opened 1937)
Opened in 1937, the Lynn Auto Theatre is Ohio’s oldest operating drive-in and the second oldest in the world. The Lynn is a two screen drive-in located in Strasburg, OH which is in the north east corner of the state. Their motto since 1937 has been, “Come as you are in the family car” which pretty much sums up what visiting a drive-in is all about.
The Lynn Auto Theatre is open seasonally from May thru September. Visit here to learn more about the Lynn Drive-in.
3. Saco Drive-in located in Saco, Maine (opened 1939)
Opened in 1939, the Saco Drive-in is the third oldest drive-in still in operation. It is located just a few miles from the ocean in Saco, Maine which is about 12 miles south of Portland, Maine. While just a single screen drive-in, the Saco is a fairly large drive-in with a 500 car capacity. It is actually located farther north than some parts of Canada and for this reason, generally does not open for its season until mid-May or a little later.
The Saco is one of just 6 drive-ins left in Maine. Click here to learn more about the Saco Drive-in.
4. M.E.L.S Drive-in Theater located in Thorntown, IN (opened 1946)
We are out of the 1930’s and jump into the 1940’s with M.E.L.S. Drive-in Theater located in Thorntown, IN. M.E.L.S. Drive-in is a single screen drive-in that was opened in 1946 just after the end of World War II. It has had several names throughout the years. At one point, one of the owners renamed it to MELS after his wife Melanie. And at some point later, another owner kept that name but added the periods to make it M.E.L.S. Their existence was in doubt a few years ago as they did not know if they would be able to afford to switch to digital projection. But with the help of a Kickstarter fundraising campaign, they raised the funds and made the switch.
M.E.L.S. charges $25 per carload and is open seasonally from April thru September. Learn more about M.E.L.S. here.
5. Hilltop Drive-in located in Gregory, SD (opened 1946)
While all our other oldest drive-ins have been in the eastern half of the United States, we move farther west with our 5th oldest drive-in which is the Hilltop Drive-in located in rural Gregory, South Dakota. The Hilltop was opened shortly after M.E.L.S. back in 1946 as well. The Hilltop is a small, single screen drive-in which holds about 240 car. The Hilltop was also in jeopardy of closing a recently but managed to raise the funds to place a down payment on a digital projector which allows them to show first run movies.
The Hilltop is open seasonally from May thru September. Learn more about the Hilltop Drive-in here.
Hopefully all the drive-ins listed above will continue to operate and thrive for many more years. We are only 15 years away from having a drive-in that is 100 years old. If you love drive-ins and want to help support them as well as stay up to date on drive-in news, please like our Facebook page at Or to find a drive-in near you, visit
Here is the one we went to a lot in El Monte...
From Mr. Food
The kids are back in school and there's a slight chill in the air; how about something warm and comforting for dinner? Our Hearty Chicken & Corn Soup is going to warm up your kitchen and the hearts of everyone gathered around the kitchen table. There's nothing better than a creamy soup studded with corn, spinach, potatoes, and tender chicken. This is hearty and comforting at its best.
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 carrots, diced
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 5 1/4 cups chicken broth
- 4 large potatoes, peeled and diced
- 3 (14-3/4-ounce) cans cream-style corn
- 1 (9-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
- 2 cups cooked shredded chicken
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- In a soup pot over medium heat, melt butter; sauté onion and carrots 5 to 6 minutes, or until tender. Add chicken broth and potatoes.
- Bring to a boil and cook 12 to 15 minutes, or until potatoes are fork-tender.
- Add remaining ingredients and cook 8 to 10 minutes, or until heated through. Serve immediately.
***This is a great way to use up your leftover rotisserie chicken; turn it into another weeknight meal that's as comforting as it is tasty!
Special birthday today, Gay St Clair, wife of infamous Bob (LASD ret.) is celebrating. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAY!
Historically this date....
And births this date include....
On December 12th 1957, at age twenty-two, Jerry Lee secretly married for the third time; wedding his second cousin, thirteen-year old Myra Brown, the sister of his bass player, J.W. Brown. Though it was not an uncommon practice in the south for cousins to marry, it was considered somewhat unorthodox by much of the rest of the world. While there were no immediate repercussions in response to his marriage, the action would soon come to haunt him. sad she died so young ... she was cute and fun and funny!
All I know. Nuff said. Happy Hump Day. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
On September 29th, National VFW Day honors the men and women devoted to this valuable organization and those members who have served our nation.
Members of the VFW today hold a long-standing history of volunteerism in their communities. Not only have they served their country, but they continue to serve their fellow veterans, families, and communities by sponsoring scholarships, career fairs, mental wellness campaigns, and so many more excellent services.
VFW membership since its inception has been instrumental in the establishment of the Veterans Administration, the creation of the national cemetery system and passage of the GI Bill. Through the VFW, veterans honor veterans and serve their communities. On National VFW Day, take a moment to recognize all the VFW does in your community.
Honor the VFW members and veterans in your community. Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they have made for all of us. We truly are the land of the free because of the brave.
The VFW was established on September 29, 1899, by a group of veterans from the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection. It has since grown to be the nation’s largest group of combat veterans. They continue “to honor the dead by helping the living.” The VFW promote patriotism, goodwill and youth scholarships. They also provide military assistance and community service programs, promote youth activities and volunteer many hours in their local communities.
Today is also........
Whether getting one to go or lingering over a second cup, on September 29 be sure to observe National Coffee Day!
Ah, the perfect cup of java. According to an expert cupper (a professional coffee taster), there are four components of a perfect cup: aroma, body, acidity, and flavor.
From the moment the average coffee lover opens a fresh bag of coffee beans, the aroma beckons, percolating the senses. Even those who don’t drink coffee tend to enjoy the fragrance roasted beans cast.
When determining the body of a coffee, the bean, the roast, and the brew are all factors. The bean affects the texture of the coffee, whether its silky, creamy, thick or thin on the tongue and throat. However, the darker the roast and how we brew it will alter the feel of a coffee’s body, too. Grandpa’s motor oil blend versus the coffee shop around the corner’s silky smooth, well-practiced grind have entirely different bodies.
Where a coffee bean grows determines its acidity. The higher the elevation the coffee grows, the higher the quality and the acidity. These coffees are considered brighter, dryer, even sparkling by cuppers.
When it comes down to it, coffee lovers cherish the flavor as well as the caffeinated boost this roasted bean gives morning or night, black or with cream and sugar. Hot or cold it provides enjoyment even when decaffeinated!
Many legendary accounts tell how coffee first came to be. However, the earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or the knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi monasteries around Mokha in Yemen. Here, monks first roasted coffee seeds and brewed coffee, much like we prepare them today. Yemeni traders brought coffee back to their homeland from Ethiopia and began to cultivate the seed.
In 1670, Baba Budan smuggled coffee seeds out of the Middle East by strapping seven seeds onto his chest. The first plants grown from these stowed away seeds were planted in Mysore. Coffee later spread to Italy and the rest of Europe, Indonesia, and the Americas.
While Brazil produces more coffee in the world than any other country, Colombia closely follows. Also, more than 50 countries around the world grow coffee, too. As a result, we choose from a bountiful selection of flavors for the indulgence of steamy cups of the black drink for connoisseurs to consume.