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Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Kristen ~ Crazy Tukeys ~ Halloween Deviled Eggs

Good 52º rainy morning. On and off all night. Got 1/2". Trick or Treaters supposed to get rained on tonight!

Today is SPECIAL. It's my Kristen's birthday! 

She arrived on Halloween and while in the delivery room the doctors and nurses were all telling dumb Halloween jokes! Example: "What happens when you goose a ghost? ... You get a handful of sheet." Anyway, that aside, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL KRISTEN!!! ♥♥♥
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Today is also the birthday of Jerry's dad, Hardin Maxwell.
(b. 10-31-1920 d. 4-1-81) Born on Halloween and died on April Fools! RIP Hardin. Happy Birthday!
Yesterday there was an awful commotion... I went outside and the danged Toms and Jake turkeys are having a disagreement. They were squawking at each other and pecking through the fence. I chased them off and they continued it down farther.....

Did a quick dash to town to mail some letters and back home for some of that super good green tomato soup! Then to the deviled eggs.....

Thursday night football:

Historically this date....
1864 – Nevada is admitted as the 36th U.S. state.

1913 – Dedication of the Lincoln Highway, the first automobile road across United States.

1941 – After 14 years of work, Mount Rushmore is completed.

1984 – Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by two security guards.Riots soon break out in New Delhi and nearly 10,000 Sikhs are killed.

And births this date include...
1860 – Juliette Low, American founder of the Girl Scouts (d. 1927) (How about that Kristen!!! And you were a GS Leader!)

1912 – Dale Evans, American singer and actress (d. 2001)
... I wanted to be her when I was small!

1922 – Barbara Bel Geddes, American actress (d. 2005)
.... "Miss Ellie" !

1927 – Lee Grant, American actress

1936 – Michael Landon, American actor (d. 1991)
I have one of the hats he wore in "Little House..." with his autograph inside.

1943 – Brian Piccolo, American football player (d. 1970)

1947 – Frank Shorter, American runner

(...How about this too, Kristen ... you are a runner!)

1950 – John Candy, Canadian comedian and actor (d. 1994)
He was sure a funny guy. Loved him in Uncle Buck!

1963 – Dermot Mulroney, American actor
My Best Friend's Wedding.... loved him in that!

1963 – Rob Schneider, American actor
All I know. Nuff said. Happy Halloween. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
October 31st

National Candy Apple Day

Thursday, October 30, 2014

TBT-UPS ~ Baseball ~ Fun Animals ~ Rusty & John & Barn Door ~ Bruiser & Dude & Burn Pile ~ Mike 1-Skunk 0

Good 55º cloudy morning. Pressure is dropping. No radar overhead. No rain predictions for today.
10-30 radio code "transmission does not conform to regulations". Hmmmmmm, Jerry nicknamed his best buddy and radio car partner "10-30 Dude" ... LOL. Steve (Voors, LASD ret), did you not conform to regulations?
Throw Back Thursday.... here's an ancient one of me... brown shirt, brown pants, brown sox, brown truck!

World Series Game #7 last night, the SF Giants beat the KC Royals winning 3-2 and taking the World Series for the 3rd time in 5 years. Honestly, I'd like to have seen the Royals win it!

Got this from Gar Austin (LASD ret) ... 2 minutes of scenery and animals that will put a smile on your face. Thanks Gar!!!
Yesterday John and Rusty were back bright and early working on the barn door. John was a Marine and he rides a Harley! Cool. He and his wife have moved down here from Montana. Had enough of the -30º and since she grew up in Roseberg, they chose Southern Oregon... a few months ago. Here is the framing progress... I told them to pose and they laughed, saying it looks like they aren't doing anything... just standing around. Not. They work! The old sliding barn door on the right and the new one will be quite a bit smaller.
And yes, the barn needs a paint job. That's next.

Bruiser was being nosey checking on Rusty and John... until I called him and he came running...

The fire is almost out... still smokey though even though there was rain in the night and on and off sprinkles all day.

Historically this date....

1938 – Orson Welles broadcasts his radio play of H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds, causing anxiety in some of the audience in the United States.

1965 – Vietnam War: Just miles from Da NangUnited States Marines repel an intense attack by wave after wave of Viet Cong forces, killing 56 guerrillas. Among the dead, a sketch of Marine positions is found on the body of a 13-year-old Vietnamese boy who sold drinks to the Marines the day before.

1985 – Space Shuttle Challenger lifts off for mission STS-61-A, its final successful mission.

And births this date include...

1893 – Charles Atlas, Italian-born bodybuilder (d. 1972)
Charles in his youth and at 79 years old.

1945 – Henry Winkler, American actor
1946 – Robert L. Gibson, American astronaut

1951 – Harry Hamlin, American actor
Hamlin’s first book is entitled Full Frontal Nudity and is an uproarious memoir about growing up in 1960s suburban California in a regular American family. His mother, a housewife, who frequently indulged in one too many martinis and his father, a rocket scientist, gifted their 11-year-old son with a five-year subscription to Playboy for Christmas.
When Hamlin arrived at Berkeley in the fall of 1969, he was ready to fully immerse himself in architecture, but fate got in the way and ultimately he was expelled only to end up a graduate of Yale, a Rhodes scholar, and the lead in a little play called Equus, which required full frontal nudity.
Later I tried to make a video of Dude. I did, but when I tried to download it to Youtube it wouldn't work! Dang. So, here is Dude (tongue out licking his face!)  and he's being watched by Bruiser...

Dinner was reruns. Spent some time working on a deviled egg project for Brian and Jen's Halloween party. Pictures later...
Mike from All Natural was up yesterday and picked up a couple of the traps. One had a skunk in it ... again. Sadly he had to be dispatched. Stinky too!!!
All I know. Nuff said. Happy TBT. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo

October 30th

(Stick the candy corn in a piece of banana......)

National Candy Corn Day is today. Enjoy a handful of this sweet Fall treat. And, what perfect timing. National Candy Corn Day comes just a day before Halloween. That means you can eat plenty of it, before you go out Trick or Treating.
Candy corn is enjoyed all year long. Place it in a candy dish any time of the year, and watch it disappear by the handful. By far, the vast majority of candy corn is consumed during the Fall months, with both Halloween and Thanksgiving being the biggest times to eat it.
Candy corn was invented in the 1880s by George Renninger, and first manufactured by the Wunderle Candy Company. The Goelitz Candy company was the first to manufacture mass quantities around the turn of the century.
Candy corn consists primarily of corn syrup, honey, and sugar. There's lots of carbs(sugar), but it's fat free!?
Have a happy  National Candy Corn Day.