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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Animated Atlas ~ Edda ~ Dead-Eye Dave ~ Coyote ~ Dude ~ Rosemary Olive Oil Quinoa Blend ~ Trail Mix

Good 54º clear and sunny morning.

This came from friend Mike Cipolla. It's fascinating. An animated history of the United States. I really enjoyed it.
Click here:


Today is Edda's birthday. She is one of the "Daily Drivel Gals" down in good old So. Cal.... HAPPY BIRHDAY EDDA!!
L-R Lydia, me, Trish, Edda, and Judy.


PICTURE of the day... dogs chase their tails and so do cats (my Bruiser especially!) and the catch them!

Yesterday was filled with excitement beyond words. I caught up on a couple chores, mowed the lawn, watered, went to the market for veggies, and the post office to mail my grandson Jack some sunglasses! Then I made birthday cards and contemplated other mundane jobs. Oh yes, laundry..... whooppeeee.....

Late afternoon PJ and Dead-Eye Dave came over. PJ and I had wine while I plied Dave with José. He loaded the .17 caliber rifle and took aim at the ground squirrel population that is running amok here! The general area was this tree stump in the upper pasture..
Dave counted 23 rounds fired.... and 19 kills~!!! Wow! Good job Dave! The shooting didn't seem to bother Bruiser. He stayed around, but Dude was frightened. Being a city boy before moving here to the country he'd probably never heard much in the way of gunshots. Maybe firecrackers on the 4th, but nothing like this. He stayed in the house!
This morning Mr. Coyote was sniffing around... looking for the bodies! Here he is by the old pump house...

While I was taking pictures of Mr. Coyote I was being watched by Mr. Dude!
Dinner was something I had not tried before... Near East Quinoa ... a blend of quinoa and brown rice. I cooked it in the new rice cooker, adding quartered mushrooms to the quinoa and broccoli in the steamer basket. I wanted something light and this was just the ticket. A little drizzle of my infused olive oil and a bit of sea salt. GOOD!!!!
The quinoa comes in a couple of flavors... this one was Rosemary and Olive Oil... the other one I bought is Roasted Red Pepper and Basil.
Historically this date...
2006 – Stolen on August 22, 2004, Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream is recovered in a raid by Norwegian police.
And births this date include....
1903Arthur Godfrey, American radio and television host (d. 1983)
1924 – Buddy Hackett, American actor and comedian (d. 2003)
1928James Coburn, American actor (d. 2002)

1945 – Itzhak Perlman, Israeli violinist
............ amazing talent!

1949Richard Gere, American actor
    .... too weird for my taste!
All I know. Happy Saturday. Nuff said. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
August 31st
National Trail Mix Day
National Trail Mix Day features a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best.
When you head out to a camp out, a hike or to go biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. It provides the extra energy boost to keep you from tiring along the way, and allows you to reach your destination full of pep. Don't limit trail mix to the trail. It is also good at camp outs. AND for TV snacking!
1 cup combination diced dried fruit... prunes, apricots, pears, apples, banana chips...
1/2 cup raisins and/or dried cherries or cranberries
1½ cups unsalted sunflower seeds
1 cup unsalted dry-roasted peanuts or honey-roasted, chopped walnuts or almonds

Friday, August 30, 2013

Errands ~ Pre-season NFL Scores ~ Herb Day

Good 57º cloudy morning.

Yesterday.... mailed the boxes to Afghanistan (Casey), went to the eye clinic and Dave repaired my chewed temple (thank you Dude). Said he sees lots of glasses chewed on by dogs! Didn't charge me. Nice. Then to the clock/watch repair shop for a new silver watch band on my Kermit watch.

 It had this green one, but it was too much green~  Then to Safeway for sale items and canned tuna, Bruiser's fav.  Stopped at the camera shop and dropped off slides that they will convert to photos and put on a CD. Also found out about them cleaning the inside of my camera. He said it's inside on some (technical) part that is causing spots not the lens. Will take it in when I can live without my camera for 2 days! Dropped a bunch of stuff at Salvation Army store that I cleaned out of kitchen cupboards the other day. Last stop Staples for printer ink (with a $10 coupon! from recycling ink). Picked up a chicken wrap at Safeway, that was dinner. Also in Safeway there is a Starbucks, so for $1 I got the "new" orange spice iced coffee. Normally $2.30. Ick. Didn't like it and certainly would not pay $2.30 for it. Plain iced coffee is best, but Starbucks is tooooooo expen$ive~! Make my own. Came home, feet up, watched Patriots and Giants....

My Patriots, with the help of Tim Tebow, beat the NY Giants (can't stand Eli!!!) 28-20 last night.  YIPPPPPEEEEE.  I know, it's pre-season, but hopefully this win will keep Tebow from being rejected from the Pats!

Yesterday's scores... Colts 10 - Bengals 27, Lions 35 - Bills 13, Eagles 20 - Jets 27, 49ers 41 - SD Chargers 6,  Seahawks 22 - Raiders 6 !


Historically this date...
1963 – The Hotline between the leaders of the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union goes into operation.

1974 – A powerful bomb explodes at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries headquarters in Marunouchi, Tokyo, Japan. 8 are killed, 378 are injured. Eight left-wing activists are arrested on May 19, 1975 by Japanese authorities.

1984STS-41-D: The Space Shuttle Discovery takes off on its maiden voyage.

2003 – While being towed across the Barents Sea, the de-commissioned Russian submarine K-159 sinks, taking 9 of her crew and 800 kg of spent nuclear fuel with her.

Births this date include....
1896Raymond Massey, Canadian actor (d. 1983)

1898Shirley Booth, American actress (d. 1992)

1906Joan Blondell, American actress (d. 1979)

1908Fred MacMurray, American actor (d. 1991)

1939 – Elizabeth Ashley, American actress

1972Cameron Diaz, American actress
All I know. Yardwork day. TGIF. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
August 30th
More Herbs - Less Salt Day
No no no... not this kind of Herb! LOL
More Herbs, Less Salt Day promotes use of healthy herbs over salts.

Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There's nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes., the creators of this day, offer little information about this day, other than the fact that herbs are better for your health than salt........... How true.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Clouds ~ Dude ~ Bruiser In A Box ~ Alex ~ Lemon Martini

Good 59º cloudy morning...

11:15 yesterday ...
UGH... then it got to 94º and humid...................
.... and this morning 0700 hours...

So yesterday I'm out there thinking "it's tooooooooooo hot" and Mr. Dude lays down in the sun! ??

Those of you who like Downton Abby will get a kick out of this...

I got the boxes finally ready to send to Casey in Afghanistan. The customs forms are a pain. Here they are... Those who contributed are certainly angels!
BUT before I got them taped up... Mr. Bruiser decided to take a nap in one of the boxes!

Lunch was tomatoes with garlic/onion/red pepper olive oil and balsamic vinegar.... avocado with balsamic mayo on rice cake.

Historically this date...
1966The Beatles perform their last concert before paying fans at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
1970Chicano Moratorium against the Vietnam War, East Los Angeles, California. Police riot kills three people, including journalist Ruben Salazar.
2005Hurricane Katrina devastates much of the U.S. Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle, killing more than 1,836 and causing over $80 billion in damage
20072007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident: six US cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads are flown without proper authorization from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base.

And births this date include...
1916 – George Montgomery, American actor (d. 2000) 
Jerry and I met him once at the Pomona Fair. He was into woodworking and made some beautiful furniture. Nice man. Big/tall.
1923Richard Attenborough, English film director
1936John McCain, American politician
... sure was a handsome young man!

1938Elliott Gould, American actor
... weird.....
1940James Brady, American White House Press Secretary and gun control activist
1958 – Michael Jackson, American pop singer (d. 2009)
Ok, so today I will mail boxes, go to Safeway and get a few items, see about getting my glasses fixed (where Dude chewed the temple) and see about a watch band... I may go to Jeannie's and see how her  tomato/onion/marinara caper is going ....  
My granddaughter Alex has filled out the paperwork to register for the 2013-2014 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Court. HOW exciting!!! She is tall, pretty, and smart... she could be Rose Queen or on the Rose Court. We'll all make the trip to Pasadena for New Years if Alex gets picked!!!
All I know. Off to the Post Office to mail boxes early. Nuff said. Happy Thursday. Ciao.
xo Sue Mom Bobo
August 29th
Lemon Juice Day
Mmmmm.... lemon martini!
Basic Lemon Drop Martini:
4 oz vodka
2 oz lemon juice
fine sugar on a plate to sugar the rim of the glass, if you like that...I don't
lemon slices
With a generous amount of ice, shake the vodka and lemon juice  in a martini shaker. Shake vigorously for a few seconds. Rub rim with lemon slice, dredge in sugar. Strain the "libation" into the glass and garnish with lemon slice.
Or... shake the vodka so it's cold and just add a lemon peel...
Lemon Martini 
Taste: Fresh, Fruity, Sour, Sweet


3 Parts Lemon Juice
1 Part Triple Sec
1 Part Simple Syrup
1 Peel Lemon

How to mix

Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon.