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Thursday, March 31, 2011

~ Sunshine! ~ Kitties and Puppies ~ Clams

Can you believe it... it's the END of March already!!!!! Time is just going by too fast!
Good 45º foggy morning.
OMG, yesterday it was 73º. It's been months and months since we saw that temp and the SUN WAS OUT!!! I couldn't believe it, I was actually perspiring!
The turkeys were out and happy it was sunny and not pouring. Harley Dude, also happy, to be out on the porch and enjoying the weather...
Yesterday afternoon Maggie and I went to PJ and Dave's to open their electric gate and turn it off so it stays open. They came home with their trailer and it's easier if the gate is open since if he pulled up to the gate his trailer would still be out in the road. We get a lot of afternoon traffic and it's only 2 lanes. Anyway, they are home safe and sound.
I made earrings this afternoon for 'prizes' to give at our 1+1 JCRW Luncheon this Saturday. Patty, PatC, and Claire will be going with me. Free lunch for them. Should be fun. We were also asked to decorate a hat for the 'hat contest'. You will see mine Sunday.
Can't give it away yet!
The geese showed up about 5pm and I took them out a treat...
Such a gentleman, he waits while wifie-poo eats!
This was sent to me by Patrick up in Washington. You have got to see this kitten. She is phenomenal.
And if kitties aren't your thing, then look at this little pooch, 'Tucker', who plays the piano and sings!
Historically this date...
1918Daylight saving time goes into effect in the United States for the first time.
1931 – An earthquake destroys Managua, Nicaragua, killing 2,000.
1951Remington Rand delivers the first UNIVAC I computer to the United States Census Bureau.
1992 – The USS Missouri, the last active United States Navy battleship, is decommissioned in Long Beach, California.
   My Brian was stationed aboard the Mo during the Gulf War as part of a Marine Detachment.
And births this date include...
1927César Chávez, American labor activist (d. 1993)
1929Liz Claiborne, Belgian-born American fashion designer (d. 2007)
 Love her clothing!!!!
1934Richard Chamberlain, American actor
Dr. Kildare and The Thorn Birds are favorites of mine!
1934 – Shirley Jones, American singer and actress
1935Herb Alpert, American trumpeter and band leader
 Oh Herbie, you got old! Darn.
1943Christopher Walken, American actor
1945 – Gabe Kaplan, American actor and comedian
You would think he would have been
born on April 1st. He is the 'fool'.
1948 – Rhea Perlman, American actress
Ok, all I know. Getting a haircut today and will run over to Jean's to chat about my taxes with the 'expert'! Nuff said. Ciao.
xo Mom-Soupy-Sue
March 31st
Clams on the Half Shell Day
Oh my..... drooling.... !

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~ More Chickens ~ More Rain ~ Doctor's Day ~

Good  46º cloudy morning.           

I looked up full grown naked neck chickens
and came up with...

How pathetic!
No wonder David didn't want them.
On the other hand, they are interesting little guys.

Rain and more rain...
ALL day yesterday!

Total was 

 Today there is no radar..

And the forecast is for sun ..

Yesterday after I piddled around and did a few chores
I sat and read a book. "Oogy" is the title, written by
Larry Levin.

It is the kind of book that as you read along, you just smile ... often.
A pup that had been a 'bait dog' for dog fighting. Interestingly enough, everyone thought he was a pit bull. Not. He's a Dogo, an Argentine Mastiff.

This dog was bred for big-game hunting. They are used also by the military and as search and rescue dogs.
Great story. Get the book.

Historically this date...
1842Anesthesia is used for the first time, in an operation by Dr. Crawford Long.
    (... and the beeeoootch I shared and office with at CF Braun, Patsy Paige, made a horrible remark when I told her the President had been shot .."He deserved it", she said !!!
Of course not to mention that she was lazy, expected pay for not doing a thing, ghetto born and bred ... Oh, and she was extremely prejudicial!)

And births this date include....
1853Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (d. 1890)

1913 – Frankie Laine, American singer (d. 2007)

1930John Astin, American actor

1937Warren Beatty, American actor and director

1957Paul Reiser, American actor
1968 – Celine Dion, Canadian singer

All I know. Happy Wednesday. Nuff said. Ciao.
xo Mom-Soupy-Sue
National Doctor's Day

President Bush proclaims Doctor's Day March 30th

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~ Baby Chicks ~ Vegetable Pasta Alfredo ~ Lemon Cake ~

Good 41º raining morning. The weather people said a storm was coming in last night and would blow through and we'd have sunny warm weather for Thursday. We'll see.
I heard the rain about 4am. So far it's 1/4".
I actually got to "sleep in" until 7:30 this morning. Then Harley was so impatient and wanted me up so he could eat. Grrrrr....
Yesterday the sun actually came out and things dried up  a bit. Not a lot, bit some. Maggie and I went to town .. Post Office to pick up a package and mail a card, Rays for more chicken, Ace for cracked corn, and the vet's office to weigh Maggie. She's lost another couple of pounds since her last weigh in. Sigh.....
At Ace they had baby chicks. OMG, so cute!!! And there were these with 'naked necks'. I've never seen those. Just too funny.
The second picture is his back, the back of his
naked neck, and his different colored wings.
This site explains the type of chicken it is......
And this is one of the chicks David is taking home...
this one and two others.
Dave didn't like the 'naked' neck guys!
Dinner last night was one of my "pantry specials".
I diced up a sweet potato and sauteéd it with some baby carrots in some of my garlic/onion infused olive oil until the potato was soft. I added in two shredded zucchini, chopped mushrooms, chopped broccoli, chopped asparagus and grape tomatoes.
Then I cooked one of my favorite pastas (they have it at The Creamery in Central Point) .. Anellini
and stirred that in along with a jar of Bertolli Garlic Alfredo Sauce...
Taaaaaaa daaaaa.....
Very very good!!!!!
We had a fire and watched TV.
Historically this date....
1886 – Dr. John Pemberton brews the first batch of Coca-Cola in a backyard in Atlanta, Georgia.
1911 – The M1911 .45 ACP pistol became the official U.S. Army side arm.
 (What a fun gun to shoot!!!)
1971 – A Los Angeles, California jury recommends the death penalty for Charles Manson and three female followers.
2004 – The Republic of Ireland becomes the first country in the world to ban smoking in all work places, including bars and restaurants.
2010 – Two female suicide bombers hit the Moscow Metro system at the peak of the morning rush hour, killing 40.
And births this date include.....
1867Cy Young, American baseball player (d. 1955)
1917Man o' War, American thoroughbred racehorse (d. 1947)

1918Pearl Bailey, American singer and actress (d. 1990)
1918 – Sam Walton, American businessman (d. 1992)
1937Billy Carter, brother of Jimmy Carter (d. 1988)
There are just no words....
1943Eric Idle, English actor, writer, and composer
1976 – Jennifer Capriati, American tennis player
...and my good friend Joannie celebrates her birthday today
(She likes to dance!)
All I know. Finishing up my taxes today while it rains and rains..
Happy Tuesday. Ciao.
xo Mom-Soupy-Sue
March 29th
National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day